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Primary Fields of Interest


Macroeconomic Aspects of Public Finance
International Finance

Applied Macroeconometrics




Journal Articles


Deficit Sustainability and Fiscal Theory of Price Level: the case of Italy, 1861-2020

(with E. Congregado and C. Díaz-Roldán)

Empirica, 2023, 50, 755-782


Testing for multiple bubbles: Historical episodes on the sustainability of public debt in Spain, 1850-2020

(with M. Prats)

Applied Economic Analysis, 2023, Vol. 31, No. 91, 1-18


Testing explosive bubbles with time-varying volatility: The case of Spanish public debt

(with M. Prats)

Finance Research Letters, 2023, Vol. 51, 103330


External sustainability in Spanish economy: bubbles and crisis, 1970-2020

(with M. Prats)

Review of International Economics, 2023, Vol. 31, Issue 1, 60-80


Cointegration with structural changes and classical model of inflation in Spain, 1830-1998

(with E. Congregado)

Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 2022, Vol. 60, 376-388


Structural breaks and explosive behavior in the long-run: the case of Australian real house prices, 1870-2020

(with M. Prats)

Economics, 2021, Vol. 15, No. 1, 72-84


The current account of the Spanish economy, 1850-2016: Was it optimal?

(with O. Bajo-Rubio)

Revista de Historia Económica - Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History, 2021, Vol. 39, Issue 2, 329-354


Fiscal policy and the real exchange rate: Some evidence from Spain  

(with O. Bajo-Rubio and B. Berke)

Empirica, 2020, Vol. 47, No. 2, 267-280


Stock prices, dividends, and structural changes in the long-term: the case of U.S. 

(with M. Navarro-Ibañez and M. Prats)

North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 2020, Vol. 52, 101126


On the Substitutability between Paid-employment and Self-employment: Evidence from the Period 1969-2014 in the United States

(with E. Congregado and A.A. Golpe)

Sustainability, 2019, Vol. 11, Issue 2, 507


Public debt and economic growth in Spain, 1851-2013

(with C. Tamarit)

Cliometrica, 2018, Volume 12, Issue 2, 219-249


International trade and migrations: A review  

(with M. Prats and M.S. de Dios)

Cuadernos Económicos de Información Comercial Española, 2017, Número 94, 137-153


The gold standard and the euro: A reflection from a reading of A Tract on Monetary Reform 

(with M. Navarro-Ibáñez and M. Prats)

Cuadernos de Economía, 2017, 40, 247-255


The Effects of Competitiveness on Trade Balance: The Case of Southern Europe 

(with O. Bajo-Rubio and B. Berke)

Economics, 2016, Vol. 10, Issue 1, pp. 20160030


Deuda pública y crecimiento económico en España, 1851-2013 

(with C. Tamarit)

Cuadernos de Información Económica, 2016, No. 253, 27-40


The dynamics of public debt and economic growth in Spain 

(with C. Tamarit)

Spanish Economic and Financial Outlook, 2016, Vol. 5, No. 4, 209-233


Total factor productivity, domestic knowledge accumulation and international knowledge spillover in the second half of the twentieth century 

(with T. Sanchis, J. Sanchis-Llopis and A. Cubel)

Cliometrica, 2015, Vol. 9, Issue 2, 209-233


Deficit sustainability, and monetary versus fiscal dominance: the case of Spain, 1850-2000  

(with O. Bajo-Rubio and C. Díaz- Roldán) 

Journal of Policy Modeling, 2014, Vol. 36, Issue 5, 924-937


Fragmentación financiera y ruptura de la transmisión de la política monetaria en la eurozona  

(with M. Prats) 

Cuadernos de Información Económica, 2014, No. 238, 87-102


Sustainability of external imbalances in the OECD countries  

(with O. Bajo-Rubio and C. Díaz-Roldán) 

Applied Economics, 2014, Vol. 46, Issue 4, 441-449


La sostenibilidad a largo plazo de las finanzas públicas de EE.UU. y el problema del "precipicio fiscal"   

(with M. Prats)  

Cuadernos de Información Económica, 2013, No. 234, 63-74


The Spanish term structure of interest rates revisited: cointegration with multiple structural breaks, 1974-2010    

(with M. Navarro-Ibañez and M. Prats)  

International Review of Economics and Finance, 2013, Vol. 25, 14-24


Medio siglo de innovación y transferencia de tecnología en España, 1950-2010  
(with A. Cubel, J. Sanchis and T. Sanchis)

Revista de Historia Industrial, 2012, No. 50, 113-154


Threshold cointegration and nonlinear adjustment between CO2 and income: the environmental Kuznets curve in Spain, 1857-2007  

(with C. Tamarit) 

Energy Economics, 2012, Vol. 34, Issue 6, 2148-2156


Is there an environmental Kuznets curve for Spain? Fresh evidence from old data   
(with C. Tamarit) 

Economic Modelling, 2012, Vol. 29, Issue 6, 2696-2703


Innovación y crecimiento de la productividad en España durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX  
(with A. Cubel, J. Sanchis and T. Sanchis) 

Economía Industrial, 2011, No. 382, 101-108  


La utilización de medidas de política monetaria no convencional frente a la crisis financiera internacional  

(with M. Prats)

Principios: Revista de Economía Política, 2011, núm. 19, 5-34  


On the sustainability of government deficits: some long-term evidence for Spain, 1850-2000

(with O. Bajo-Rubio and C. Díaz- Roldán)

Journal of Applied Economics, 2010, Vol. XIII, No. 2, 263-281  


Testing the Fisher effect in the presence of structural change: A case study of the UK, 1966-2007
(with O. Bajo-Rubio and C. Díaz- Roldán) 

Economic Issues, 2010, Vol. 15, Part 2, 1-16  

Threshold cointegration and nonlinear adjustment between stock prices and dividends
(with M. Prats)
Applied Economics Letters, 2010, Vol. 17, 405-410 


Deficit sustainability and inflation in EU countries: an analysis from the fiscal theory of the price level
(with O. Bajo-Rubio and C. Díaz-Roldán)
European Journal of Political Economy, 2009, Vol. 25, 525-539  


Are there threshold effects in the stock price-dividend relation? The case of the US stock market, 1871-2004
(with M. Prats)
Applied Financial Economics, 2008, Vol. 18, 1533-1537


US deficit sustainability revisited: A multiple structural change approach
(with O. Bajo-Rubio and C. Díaz-Roldán)
Applied Economics, 2008, Vol. 40, 1609-1613


El mecanismo de transmisión de la política monetaria en la economía española y en el conjunto de la UEM
(with M. Prats)
Información Comercial Española. Revista de Economía, 2007, No. 837, 31-55


Change of regime and Phillips curve stability: The case of Spain, 1964-2002
(with O. Bajo-Rubio and C. Díaz-Roldán)
Journal of Policy Modeling, 2007, Vol. 29, 453-462


Trend breaks in the research and development process
(with P. Pérez)
Applied Economics, 2007, Vol. 39, 663-674


Testing the long-run relationship between health expenditures and GDP in the presence of structural change: the case of Spain
(with J.L. Martínez-Zahonero)
Applied Economics Letters, 2007, Vol. 14, 271-276


Threshold cointegration and nonlinear adjustment between goods and services inflation in the United States
(with S. Gil-Pareja, J.A. Martínez-Serrano and R. Llorca-Vivero)
Economic Modelling, 2006, Vol. 23, 1033-1039


Is the budget deficit sustainable when fiscal policy is nonlinear? The case of Spain
(with O. Bajo-Rubio and C. Díaz-Roldán)
Journal of Macroeconomics, 2006, Vol. 28, 596-608


A cointegration analysis of car advertising and sales data in the presence of structural change
(with F. Requena)

International Journal of the Economics of Business, 2006, Vol. 13, 111-128


A note on nonlinear dynamics in the Spanish term structure of interest rates

International Review of Economics and Finance, 2006, Vol. 15, 316-323


Estimating the elasticities of substitution between private and public consumption: the case of Spain, 1960-2003
(with J. Sanchis-Llopis)
Applied Economics, 2005, Vol. 37, 2327-2334


Is the Fisher effect nonlinear? Some evidence for Spain, 1963- 2002
(with O. Bajo-Rubio and C. Díaz-Roldán)
Applied Financial Economics, 2005, Vol. 15, 849-854


Searching for threshold effects in the evolution of budget deficits: An application to the Spanish case
(with O. Bajo-Rubio and C. Díaz-Roldán)
Economics Letters, 2004, Vol. 82, 239-243


Política fiscal y productividad del trabajo en la economía española: un análisis de series temporales
Revista de Análisis Económico-Economics Analysis Review, 2004, Vol. 19, 3-29


Propiedades cíclicas y cambios estructurales en las series fiscales macroeconómicas de la economía española
(with J. Sapena and C.R. Tamarit)
Hacienda Pública Española, 2001, No. 157, 9-44


The P-Star Model and its Perfomance for Spanish Economy
(with V. Pallardó)
Applied Financial Economics, 2000, Vol. 10, 449-459


Price Convergence of Peripheral European Countries On the Way to the EMU: A Time Series Approach
(with M. Camarero and C.R. Tamarit)
Empirical Economics, 2000, Vol. 25, 149-168


Convergence in fiscal pressure across EU countries
(with S. Sosvilla-Rivero and C.R. Tamarit)
Applied Economics Letters, 2000, Vol. 7, 117-123


Efectos del programa de desinflación competitiva en España sobre el tipo de cambio real
(with M. Camarero and C.R. Tamarit)
Revista de Análisis Económico-Economics Analysis Review, 1999, Vol. 14, 23-43


Expectativas de devaluación y variables macroeconómicas: el caso de España
(with J. Sapena and C.R. Tamarit)
Información Comercial Española. Revista de Economía, 1999, No. 780, 35-48


Un análisis empírico del proceso de convergencia fiscal en la Unión Europea
(with S. Sosvilla and C.R. Tamarit)
Hacienda Pública Española, 1999, No. 150, 127-146


Reputación antiinflacionaria y compromiso cambiario: la peseta en el SME
(with J. Sapena and C.R. Tamarit)
Revista de Análisis Económico-Economics Analysis Review, 1998, Vol. 13, 81-105


Gasto público, 'tax-smoothing' y déficit público óptimo: el caso de España
(with J. Sapena and C.R. Tamarit)
Revista Española de Economía, 1998, Vol. 15, No. 2, 167-198


¿Existe un efecto Fisher en el largo plazo? Evidencia para la economía española, 1962-1996
(with O. Bajo)
Revista Española de Economía, 1998, Vol. 15, No. 2, 149-166


Un modelo de determinación de la balanza por cuenta corriente de la economía española
(with M. Camarero and C.R. Tamarit)
Información Comercial Española. Revista de Economía, 1998, No. 773, 37-49


Convergencia real en la Unión Europea
(with V. Pallardó)
Revista de Economía Aplicada, 1997, Vol. V, No. 14, 25-49


Convergencia en tipos de interés de la economía española ante la Unión Monetaria Europea
(with M. Camarero and C.R. Tamarit)
Revista de Análisis Económico-Economics Analysis Review, 1997, Vol. 12, No. 2, 71-99


Gasto público y consumo privado en España: ¿sustitutivos o complementarios?
(with M. Camarero and C.R. Tamarit)
Hacienda Pública Española, 1997, No. 140, 75-95


Déficit públicos, expectativas inflacionarias y tipos de interés nominales en la economía española
(with C.R. Tamarit)
Moneda y Crédito, 1996, No. 203, 11-41


Testing Balance Sheet Linkages Within the Spanish Savings Banks Industry: A Multivariate Approach
(with M. Camarero and C.R. Tamarit)
Economic and Financial Modelling, 1995, Vol. 2, No. 2, 3-29


Medición de la convergencia en tasas de inflación: España versus Alemania y el S.M.E.
(with M. Camarero and C.R. Tamarit)
Papeles de Economía Española, 1995, No. 63, 62-77


Déficit público, 'tax and seigniorage-smoothing' y política óptima del gobierno: el caso de España
(with C.R. Tamarit)
Hacienda Pública Española, 1994, No. 129, 73-83


Inversión agregada, q de Tobin y capacidad instalada: una nota empírica
(with C.R. Tamarit)
Economía Industrial, 1994, No. 298, 145-150


Ausencia de señoreaje y solvencia del gobierno ante la U.E.M.: ¿puede España cumplir ambas condiciones?
(with M. Camarero and C.R. Tamarit)
Revista de Análisis Económico-Economics Analysis Review, 1994, Vol. 9, No. 2, 3-24


La estructura temporal de los tipos de interés españoles bajo la hipótesis de expectativas racionales
Información Comercial Española. Revista de Economía, 1994, No. 725, 181-192


Determinantes de los tipos de interés reales a largo plazo en la economía española
(with C.R.Tamarit)
Revista de Economía Aplicada, 1994, Vol. II, No. 5, 27-50


Activos de caja y endogeneidad de la oferta monetaria en España
(with M. Camarero and C.R. Tamarit)
Revista de Economía Aplicada, 1993, Vol. I, No. 3, 119-137


Déficit público, deuda pública, 'tax-smoothing' y cointegración: el caso de España
(with J.I. Fernández and C.R. Tamarit)
Revista Española de Economía, 1993, Vol. 10, No. 2, 261-281


La Restricción Presupuestaria Intertemporal del Gobierno y el déficit público en España
(with J.I. Fernández and C.R. Tamarit)
Investigaciones Económicas, 1993, Vol. XVII, No. 1, 119-142

Un análisis de la orientación de la política presupuestaria española en base a los indicadores fiscales de la OCDE
(with C.R. Tamarit)

Información Comercial Española. Revista de Economía, 1993, No. 713, 125-141 


Reflexiones metodológicas en torno a los avances recientes en la macroeconomía aplicada
(with C.R. Tamarit)

Palau 14: Revista de Hacienda Pública Valenciana, 1991, No. 14, 223-239


Los mecanismos de funcionamiento del sistema agromonetario de la Política Agrícola Común
Revista de Estudios e Investigación de las Comunidades Europeas, 1987, No. 2, 275-293.

Unpublished Papers

Testing for co-explosive behavior between credit to housing and house prices in Spanish economy

(with O. Blanco and M. Prats), December 2024, work in progress


Co-moving systems with explosive regressors: the case of housing market in Spain

(with O. Blanco and M. Prats), December 2024, work in progress


Prices and money in the Early Modern period in Spain: Fresh evidence from new data, 1492-1810

(with E. Congregado, M. Prats and N. Rubino), December 2024, work in progress


Optimal public deficit and tax-smoothing in the Spanish economy, 1850-2022

(with E. Congregado, M. Prats and N. Rubino), December 2024, work in progress

Current Research Projects



​Economic integration in turbulent times: building resilient and sustainable economies


Proyecto CIPROM/2022/50, Grupo de Investigación en Integración Económica (INTECO), Convocatoria del Programa Prometeo 2023 para grupos de investigación de excelencia, Generalitat Valenciana, 2023- 2026.


Camarero (investigador principal), Inmaculada Martínez (investigador principal), Mercedes Beltrán, Joan Crespo, Silvio Esteve, Vicente Esteve, Salvador Gil, Benedikt Heid, Rafael Llorca, Laura Marquez, Javier Ordoñez, Jesús Peiro, Andrés Picazo, Francisco Requena, Juan Sapena, Guadalupe Serrano, Cecilio Tamarit, Emili Tortosa, 



Copyright © 2020, Vicente Esteve

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